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Omran announce the completion of the rsnf hotel design


As regional players are poised to take on more visitors ahead of the reviving economy, Jubal is increasingly becoming a hub for logistics with a steady increase in demand for luxury properties and developments and this trend is clearly evident in the uptake of high quality development projects being witnessed.

Confirming this positive trend, Omran architects, , has confirmed its' progress on the design of the royal Saudi naval force Hotel - the 18-storey, five-star hotel which is set to become a landmark building in Jubal, KSA

Complementing Omran's underlying design philosophy - a fusion of functionality with superior aesthetic form and ecological responsibility to create distinctive, eminent buildings rsnf project Development's appeal is largely to be found in the simplicity and elegance of its design. The architects envisaged multiple interconnected layers, joined to create one building mass comprising the hotel. The hotel is designed to meet the green building codes considered with hotel buildings. The rsnf hotel is considered to lead the accommodation buildings in the KSA